Whew! I brought my laptop hoping to have an internet connection to where we were going. My bad, there wasn't any connection. Sigh, just got home safely, thank God! And again, aside from the fun road trip everything else was boredom to me. I stayed at the room within those days watching movies in my lappy and all the while I was cursing my self why I've brought her along. She just adds up to my baggage but she wasn't useless after all. When I said "she" I meant my lappy. Remember the blog about my
lappy being female? I wrote it below my photo challenge on that blog entry. Now wait a minute... this made me think of giving my lappy a name so you guys won't be confused and it will be easier for me too. LMAO! Whatcha think? What would be a nice name? I'll wait!
So, even if the trip wasn't what I expected it to be. Of course it will become more uneventful if we didn't take photos. I for one wouldn't miss it. The road trip was great because we laughed and talked a lot. We reached Mucas, the place where we have to ride a barge to cross the bay, at 5pm. There were a lot of vehicles in line and we waited for 3hours before we could load our car on the barge. It was already 8pm when we board the barge. The 15minute ride was uneventful. At 9pm we reached our aunt's house. Our stay there was also good but I spent almost all of my time inside the room. I thought we'll spend our time enjoying the beautiful destinations in Ozamiz. But I just knew right there and then that we were just attending a birthday party. It wasn't what I expected. Haha! So here are a few of the lots of blurry photos my sis took during our trip.
What do you see in the clouds? |
Kalesa. Never thought we still have this in our island. |
Me sis and I |
Yeah, rain rain rain. we were always followed by rain |
Lloydee and sissy |
Tickets for the barge |
Ozamiz City in sight |
Had time for a little shopping. Girls will always be girls. |
Movie Marathon in my aunt's room. |
Stayed the whole time inside the room with lappy |
Add caption |
crazy duo |
my mom and a crab. Crabs for dinner!! |
On our way home |
always crazy duo |
Almost home |
Oh yeah! I would also like to take this time to thank you guys for your comments on my last blog "SHORT POST 2". I appreciate it.
RE: Interwebs Fails - I love that game too! But now I'm totally gonna have the courage to resist it so I can have time in my blogging haha!
RE: YeamieWaffles - Thank you Matt! I'm crossing my fingers with that. Haven't experienced christmas with him, ever. This would be the first time if we do. LOL
RE: Mai Yang - Nah Mai, I didn't have the fun I expected haha! But it was okay though.
RE: Anney - Kaya nga Ann iniiwasan ko na maglaro. I tend to forget my duties too. Don't wanna get addicted to online games anymore!
RE: A Beer For The Shower - Thanks Brandon... or Bryan. LOL, still hoping we both will see each other for Christmas.
RE: Poetry of the Day - Thank you!
Whew! and I thought this will be a short post. Alright! Tired from the trip and happy to be home. I need a good night sleep for tomorrow's practice. Another assessment is on its way agaaaaaiiiiinnn. Be checking you out tomorrow! Till then! Thank you for taking time to hear me out.
I see Russia and Asia in the clouds. :P
These are awesome photos and it seems where you stayed at was awesome too, nice post as usual!
call your lappy 'Ganda' cause as i look at the picture its very girly. :D
Hi Yen I just stumble upon from other blog and want to have a connection through blog hopping. I ask permission from you that I am leaving a link/s here in my your comment box for my back-link. By the way I have joined your GFollow, you can guest post or post an article/s in my blog and I will provide a back-link for you directly to your blog/site my blog is just new with PR2 feel free to visit me soon.
thank you farjah! i'll be checking you.
looking at the pictures you seemed you had the best time ever. very nice. : )
nice post, i enjoyed your photos!
It’s a GIRL Thing
welcome home! i always love your travel photos <3
Is that a horse? IN THE STREETS? Were you visiting the twilight zone? What is this madness?
These are really awesome photos.
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